Friday, March 31, 2017

3rd Quarter Reflection

I think my work in the 3rd quarter was very weak, I could've done way better.  I tried to do homework but I always thought it was irrelevant and I didn't need to do it. Now that I see it affecting my grade I'll do my best in the 4th quarter because I have no other option, my father has told me that I HAVE to get at least one quarter with good grades and now this is my last chance to succeed.

I know see that this homework isn't that much and I could also do more in school.  In the 3rd quarter I also didn't do my best which meant I took home a lot of work that I didn't do.  3rd quarter was my worst I have to say out of all and the next one won't be.  I slacked off too much in the 3rd quarter and I won't in the 4th.

 The method that I most improved in was the arguementative essays, I learned how to argue properly. I'm proud of completing blogs because it makes me feel good when I complete my work.  For the most frustrating part of 3rd quarter would have to be the IXL's, I don't like doing IXL's because they make me so mad when I get one wrong and it takes my points.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Life is Beautiful

The movie Life is Beautiful is related to the book Night Elie Wiesel because they're both set in the same time period (World War II, 1939-1945) Elie's father and Joshua's father both die in concentration camps. In both stories there's a strong bond between the father and the son and they all care for each other.  There's also the Nazis in both stories that sent both of the families to the concentration camps.

The differences between the stories is that Elie is much older than Joshua.  Shlomo dies of sickness but then Guido dies from being shot to death from a Nazi soldier.  Elie has a sister but Joshua is the only child.  When Elie gets to Auschwitz, he's immediatly split from his mother and sister and never sees them ever again, Guido and Joshua are split from Dora but she's still alive at the end of movie.

Life is Beautiful has a more humorous mood throughout in the movie while in the Night book, its very dark and sad.  Guido is very optimistic throughout the movie to Joshua because since Joshua is still young he might believe his father that it's just a game.  Shlomo sadly isn't optimistic to Elie because Elie is old enough to know what's going on so Elie's story is much more sad because Elie has to see the horror.

In Life is Beautiful, life is shown beautiful when Guido and Joshua are in Auschwitz and Guido tells Joshua that this is all a game to keep Joshua happy and so Joshua could have a good time.  Another time Life is beautiful is when Guido meets the love of his life, Guido is very happy whenever he sees Dora, he makes her laugh because he's so humorous.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Night blog

            In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, Elie changes from being pious to then having very little faith in God.  A quote early on in the book gives the reader a understanding on how pious Elie really was, "During the day I studied the Talmud, and at night I ran to the synagogue to weep over the the destruction of the Temple." (Wiesel 1) this quote shows Elie would do nothing but study the Talmud and then cry over the destruction of a church,  the "Talmud" is basically the bible and Elie studies it everyday.  Another quote I found to prove that Elie was pious was "One day I asked my father to find me a master to guide me in my studies of the cabbala" This quote shows that Elie was ready to learn more about the Talmud and cabbala (the ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible,) but Elie has changed very much throughout his time in the concentration camps.

            Elie changed faithfully,  "Where is God's mercy? Where's God? How can I believe, how can anyone believe in this God of Mercy?" (Wiesel 76) this quote shows how Elie's perspective on God is.  Elie is losing faith in God because he feels as if God created these men to then make these camps to kill others.  Another quote I found while reading was "I cried because because something inside me felt the need to cry. That was all I knew. 'Why do you pray?' he asked after a moment. Why did I pray? Strange question. Why did I live? Why did I breathe? 'I don't know," I told him, even more troubled and ill at ease. "I don't know.'", on the other hand this quote represents Elie's faith in God, he still hasn't lost all of his faith but Elie will never go on to be how pious when he was is the beginning of book. Where is God's mercy? Where's God? How can I believe, how can anyone believe in this God of Mercy?

            Elie has also changed his father-son bond with his father. In the beginning of the book Elie has a great relationship with his father, "the moment when I left my mother. There was no time to think, and I already felt my father's hand press against mine: we were alone."  this quote shows their bond when the father grips onto Elie to ensure that nothing would happen to Elie and so to keep Elie safe in his hands. Later in the book Elie and his father's bond grew weaker, "My father groaned once more, I heard: 'Eliezer... I could see that he was still breathing—in gasps. I didn't move. When I came down from my bunk after roll call, I could see his lips trembling; he was murmuring something."  Elie just was leaning over his father just watching his father die and not at least hug his father, Elie just fell asleep without saying anything to his dying father.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Butterfly Project

I am a Jew and will be a Jew forever. 

Even if I should die from hunger, 

never will I submit.

I will always fight for my people, 

on my honor. 

I will never be ashamed of them, 

I give my word.

I am proud of my people, 

how dignified they are. 

Even though I am suppressed, 

I will always come back to life.


- Franta Bass